I’m not just a graphic designer. I’m a one-stop creative shop.
If you’re starting up a new business, re-branding your current one, or freshening up an existing look, I can help you with every step of the process. . .
. . . It’ll start with a conversation, preferably over a cup of coffee. I want to know what you’re looking for, what product or service you’re marketing, why you think it’s important, and who your target demographic is. We’ll look at what makes them tick, and how we can attract them to you. After the initial conversation, I’ll do some research and I’ll tailor a brand package just for you. It can include things like a new or refreshed logo, and a brand guide on how to use that logo along with colours and fonts. You can rely on me to provide that logo in all usable formats such as .pdf for print, and .jpeg for web. You’ll get all your fonts and colour swatches too, so that down the road you’re able to maintain your own brand standard without having to consult me if you don’t want to. I’ll liaise with printers, sign shops, web specialists and anyone else involved in the process. I’ll do press checks, to make sure that the colours we’ve chosen are the ones coming off the printer.
Your brand package can also include all of the classic print pieces like business cards and a letter head, as well as a website that is perfectly integrated with your brand. Once that’s in place we can move on to a marketing and advertising campaign. After all, we’ve spent time studying your target demographic, so why not start advertising to them! I can help you increase your social media presence, which is an integral part of a brand in today’s digital age, and I can create gorgeous photography that will support the promise you’re making to your customers.
Best of all, I’ll teach you how to use your new brand, and your website too. You’ll become a branding strategy expert so that your brand continues to thrive for years to come. I understand the world of commercial design, and I know what it takes to get you noticed.
Affordable Graphic Design. Amazing Results!
I am an award-winning graphic designer, a photographer, artist, and writer. I am lucky to be able to combine my passion with my career.
I have been cursed with a constant desire to improve the appearance of things. This gets problematic when I’m walking down the street minding my own business, and I spot something that has been poorly designed. Since I have a hard time keeping my feelings to myself in such instances, I often make a public scene.Those who have lent an involuntary ear to my rant look upon me with pity and scorn, and they assume I am a crazy artist or perhaps a student of theatre.
In fact, I am a bit of a crazy artist (and I was a student of theatre), but I have honed my skills to suit the ever-changing, cut-throat world of commercial design, without losing my creative enthusiasm. I have a deep-rooted passion for all things beautiful and I find sheer pleasure in creating designs that are physically appealing and emotionally stimulating. I love fashion, architecture, photography, and writing.
And I have spunk, too.
Why Did I Choose Graphic Design?
Good question! I’ve always had a natural knack for art. As a kid I’d be content painting for hours on end, and I went through more of those little watercolour pallets than you can imagine. When I got into school, art was my favourite subject, and not surprisingly math my least favourite.Graduating from high school I was off to University where I began to study English and History. But I found this boring and skipped most of my first-year classes to spend time at my old high school designing and painting sets for a theatre production. The marks I received in classes I was neglecting proved my lack of interest, so I switched programs and went into theatre design at UVic.
The computers in our lab at school had state-of-the-art Macs, that I soon fell in love with. I also discovered Photoshop on one of these computers, and was fascinated by it. Suddenly I knew what it was I wanted to do! Using my gift for composition and passion for art, I began to design flyers and posters for our school productions. I was teaching myself how to use the software as I went, and flying by the seat of my pants a bit! By the time I graduated I had taught myself how to be a graphic designer. Over the next couple of years, I honed my talents and skills to meet the world of commercial design, and learned about the business of it.
With my sound knowledge and background in theatre design and art, my natural knack for composition, and the self-taught lessons in Adobe software I started up Penguin Graphic Design. I operated Penguin successfully for five years before deciding that I wanted to work under my own name so that I could broaden my site to include all of my interests.
In 2015 I rebranded under my own name, and designed the logo I still use to this day. I love working with small to mid-sized local Victoria-based businesses, helping them present themselves more professionally to the world, as well as larger businesses abroad.

I’ve worked with:
- Act Now BC
- Arrive Consulting
- Avalon Mechanical
- Cadboro Bay Village
- Camosun College
- CapriCCio Choir
- Cowichan Tribes
- Downtown Victoria Business Association
- Early Music Society of the Islands
- Epicure Selections
- First Peoples’ Cultural Council
- Greater Victoria Housing Society
- GT Mann Construction
- Jawl Properties
- La Société Francophone De Victoria
- Nursing Education Council of British Columbia
- Passive House Canada
- Portofino Bakery
- Royal Roads University, ResilienceByDesign Lab
- SlipStream Wilderness First Aid
- Synergy Enterprises
- Uvic
- Victoria Division of Family Practice
- Victoria Native Friendship Centre
- Victoria Foundation
- Victoria International Airport
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Vox Humana Chamber Choir
- WestCore Training Centre